Monday, August 27, 2018

Refined and Absolutely Gorgeous - Vero Moda

Written by We Ting

The dummies right at the entrance of the store grabs my attention. The clothing was a mixture of refined, mature, yet soft and gentle. The designs displayed were tasteful, with lovely feminine touches.

Ruffles are a recent trend (Trust me. But if you don't, here's Popsugar's and Vogue's take). It would be nice to add a ruffle blouse to my wardrobe.

I must say I got quite a shock when I flipped over price tags and saw the figures were 
pricey. I was used to the prices at Padini and Brands Outlet, not Vero Moda where a denim skirt costs RM169.90.

But as someone who has sewing as a hobby, I know enough to appreciate details in a piece of garment. 
The cutting of each piece was gorgeous
There didn't seem to be any defects in the stitches either. 
And the fabric of the ruffle blouse - oh, it was soft, light and it was so different to the touch compared to the blouses I've seen elsewhere.

Now I just need to save up to buy that blouse!

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