Thursday, September 13, 2018

Delicious, Creamy Mille Crêpes You Can't Resist: Humble Beginnings

Written by We Ting

Nowadays, cafés and restaurants that are completely unheard of seem to be mushrooming everywhere. Most of the food look delicious and Insta-worthy, but nope, I'm a picky dessert eater. I know there's something lacking in that piece of cake or that there's something not right with the texture of a tart. 

When it comes to Malaysian desserts, this ice kacang here and cendol here are my only picks. 

Today's post, however, will be about mille crêpes. A crêpe is a very thin bakery product. Flour, egg, sugar and lipids are the main ingredients for crêpes (Guibert-Martin et al. 2017).

Where to get the best ones in JB? 

I heard about the place by word-of-mouth, from a relative. The Humble Beginnings branch I visited is located at the topmost floor in City Square. The shop is lit by its own soft, quiet lighting and, as it's on an open-air floor, natural sunlight streams through its double glass doors. 

The shop isn't flooded with customers, and I admit I became doubtful. A café without customers on a Sunday doesn't seem promising. 

But if you're like me, do have faith and step inside.

The faint, dainty smell of sweet cream hangs in the air, and there's that wonderful smell of freshly made pastry. A variety of around 10 flavors are available.

On my first visit, I chose the French vanilla crêpe. I like sticking to the originals. 

French vanilla crêpe, RM13.90

French vanilla. The combination of the two words itself makes me float on a cloud of happiness.

You know something is special when your eyes widen in surprise once the first forkful enters your mouth. And you put in another forkful to savour the goodness again ... I love it, I love it, I love it! 

The delicate crêpe is best enjoyed with a cup of hot English tea. Take a break and reward yourself with this sweet dessert during the coming weekend. 

Humble Beginnings City Square
Lot J6-05, Level 6, City Square, Zone B
Johor Bahru

Contact: 012-635 8035

Opening hours: 10.00am - 10.00pm

Guibert-Martin, S, Jury, V, Bouchet, B, Roellens, G, Lioret, P & Le-Bail, A 2017, ‘Impact of the baking protocol on the structure of French crepes’, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 196, pp. 183–192.


  1. I know humble beginnings is because the manufacture place near where my grandparent's house but if not because of this page, i never get to know that there is an outlet at City square! will go there someday. Thanks for the information

    1. You're welcome. Remember to go way up to the topmost floor for the outlet! :)
